P&C association meetings are held from 1.00 p.m. to 2.30
p.m. on the first Wednesday of each month. The current executive is:
President: Mrs Tanya Ormsby
Vice President: Mrs Sharon Stephenson
Mrs Leah Rooney
Treasurer: Mrs Melissa Hamilton
The aims of the association as defined in the
constitution are:
· to foster general community interest
in educational matters;
· to endeavour to bring about closer
co-operation between the parents of
the students attending the school, other
members of the community and
the staff and students at the school;
· to provide, if requested by the
principal, or if the association considers it
desirable to do so,
· to provide or assist in the provision
of financial or other resources or service for the benefit of the students of
the school;
· to perform any functions, not
inconsistent with the education (General
Provisions) Act 2006, as the Minister may from time to time determine.
meetings are very informal and social. This is a key forum where parents can
ask questions about school operations and decisions and have a say about
processes and future priorities for the school.